Alce Nero organic extra virgin olive oil is made exclusively from organic, Italian olive cultivars, including Coratine, Ogliarola and Carolea, for a green oil with yellow reflexes and a well balanced flavour.
Olives we use to produce Alce Nero extra virgin olive oil come from areas of Italy characterised by mild winters and hot summers; they are cultivated in compliance with organic farming regulations by approximately 160 member olive farmers. Olives are harvested by hand and with the help of mechanical equipment, to minimise damage to the fruit. Once harvested, they are sent to the press, where the production process begins, transforming the olives into oil by means of cold pressing.
We have always worked to guarantee and convey the characteristics, origin, cultivation and processing methods of our organic products. To find out the precise provenance of each bottle and discover the main sensory characteristics of its contents, write to info@alcenero.it and specify the batch number printed on the back of the label (e.g.: L 11.12).
It is our commitment to keep all legal information up to date, but you may find differences from the packaging actually available.

Baked spicy carrots
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For all the commitment it requires, organic production does not generate much economic satisfaction, rather there is the gratification of providing consumers with a finished, clean and genuine oil
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